Instructors at Global Police Solutions LLC
Richard J. Cerniglia, Supervisory Special Agent DEA (Ret)
SME:Narcotics Investigations, Counterdrug Operations, Undercover Operations Investigations
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Goldey-Beacom College
Professional Membership:The Ashburn Group
Richard J. Cerniglia is a retired Supervisory Special Agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) with over 25 years of overall Law Enforcement Experience and 21 years of Narcotics Investigations, Management, and Training Experience. During his time with the DEA he was assigned to, and conducted investigations as a Special Agent in the Miami Field Division, the Cleveland Resident Office, and the Norfolk Resident Office; and was also assigned to the DEA’s El Paso Intelligence Center, where he served as a Watch Officer,
Training Officer, Security Officer, and as the lead Liaison and Briefing Officer. As the Resident Agent in Charge of the Cincinnati Resident Office he directed Special Agents along with State & Local Task Force Officers in all aspects of complex Federal drug and money laundering investigations; and developed a highly successful clandestine laboratory awareness training program that served to educate state and local law enforcement officers, fire department personnel, and emergency medical service unit members in identifying and approaching clandestine laboratories. During the last part of his career he was assigned to the DEA Headquarters as a Staff Coordinator in the Office of Enforcement Operations in the Mexico and Central America Section; where he coordinated highly sensitive international investigations and enforcement operations, worked closely with field personnel and the interagency on various operational issues, met and worked with foreign counterparts, and facilitated the arrest and prosecution of individuals and criminal organizations through the coordination and management of highly sensitive domestic and global criminal investigations. Richard is eager to assist today’s law enforcement in becoming highly skilled, professional Narcotics Investigators.